Keep Clients Engaged and Motivated with a Regular Newsletter September 30, 2014 Do you currently have a large database of clients? Whether they are online, in-person one-on-one, athletes, or part…
Attract New Clients and Build Relationships by Being Yourself September 24, 2014 Have you been struggling growing your personal training or online training business? What strategies have you been using…
Running a Group Fat Loss Challenge to Attract New Clients September 3, 2014 Today’s blog post is more about a personal experience/idea I had to leverage my online training and get…
Launch Online Training Faster With Premium Services August 17, 2014 Here at Trainerize, we’re hyper focused on Customer Success and we love seeing personal trainer businesses, fitness studios,…
Get Clients to do Social Media Marketing for you! August 6, 2014 Do you currently run your own business? Are you currently using any type of social media outlets to…
Auto-Updates And Push Notifications are here! July 20, 2014 We’re happy to announce the launch of the new Trainerize Mobile App Version 1.8 for iOS and 1.7 for Android.…
Expand your business by adding trainers! July 15, 2014 Do you own a personal training studio or larger gym with multiple trainers working for you? Are you…
Balance your Social Media Advertising! June 17, 2014 There is no doubt in my mind that social media advertising is the way to go when marketing…
Another great benefit to Online Training – impress your in-person clients too! June 11, 2014 Even though online training is a great additional revenue stream, that might not be the main focus of…
New Client Search and Overall Speed Upgrades June 2, 2014 We have been hard at work to make the Trainerize experience even faster and you’ll be happy to know…
Organizational tips that are useful and important for online success! May 28, 2014 Personal trainers (especially self-employed) are what I like to call “hustlers”. We are usually kings and queens of…
Save time by Copying workouts to clients – but make sure to take notes! May 20, 2014 If there is one thing most personal trainers could wish for, I bet it would be more time…