Product and Company February 27, 2020 TRAINERIZE UPDATE | Sync wearable data to Trainerize with the Apple Health/Watch (BETA) Integrations
NEW in Trainerize Pay | Make the Sale February 10, 2020 You know what feels great? Smashing through your previous sales records and watching your revenue hit an all-time…
TRAINERIZE UPDATE | Full Meal Details Now Available with the MyFitnessPal Nutrition Integration October 28, 2019 Calories in, calories out. It’s a priceless equation and an important part of a client’s fitness journey. But…
Introducing Trainerize 6 – Motivate Clients Like Never Before September 26, 2019 Motivate clients like never before. Introducing Trainerize 6. Today we’re beyond excited to introduce Trainerize 6—the all-new version…
NEW in Trainerize Pay | Powerful Automation to Make Online Sales a Breeze July 31, 2019 Running a successful fitness business is no walk in the park. You’re busy all. the. time. Working hard…
TRAINERIZE UPDATE | A Smart Nutrition Goal Calculator + New Client Activity Levels July 5, 2019 Data is a wonderful thing. And as an online coach and fitness business owner, you have access to…
NEW in Trainerize Pay | Dispute Resolution Made Easy July 3, 2019 If you haven’t already heard, Trainerize Pay is a must-have for every fitness business. Not only does it…
NEW in Trainerize Pay | Take Control of Your Sales May 16, 2019 Ahh! Spring is in the air 🌷 (at least on this side of the globe), and that means…
Trainerize Update | Get Your Communication On with Comments and Notes April 30, 2019 They say that communication is the key to building strong relationships and this definitely applies to trainer-client relationships.…